Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hospital project backed - Healthcare in Canada - C-Health

Hospital project backed - Healthcare in Canada - C-Health

Hospital project backed
Provided by: Sun Media
Written by: JOHN MINER -- London Free Press
Oct. 4, 2006

Joe Rapai, at right, wants Christians to join a multifaith campaign.
From his hospital ward where he's recovering from surgery, London District Catholic school board director Joe Rapai urged Christians to join a hospital fundraising campaign launched by Jewish and Muslim leaders.

"We can draw upon our similarities as opposed to our differences," Rapai said.

Last month, London's Jewish and Muslim leaders announced they'll hold a Nov. 1 breakfast as part of a campaign to raise the $2.3 million needed to complete the community's share of building the new Children's Hospital of Western Ontario.

Rapai said London has a globally unique opportunity to show the three faiths can work together.

All can agree on the importance of helping children, he said. "It is a future filled with hope."

Rapai will urge his schools to get involved in the fundraising campaign, but it won't be mandatory.

He has discussed the idea with both Cliff Nordal, president of London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph's Health Care, and with Bishop Ronald Fabbro of the area's Catholic diocese.

When the joint Jewish-Muslim fundraising campaign was announced in September, it was called a Canadian first.

"We are going to get much more accomplished together rather than divided. We can put our differences aside to benefit those that need us the most," said Faisal Joseph, president of the Association of London Muslims.

Jeff Phillips, past president of the London Jewish Federation, said people sometimes think Muslim and Jewish communities everywhere in the world are against each other.

"That is not always true, particularly in London," he said.

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